33 Holy S*** Moments From WWE Raw History

31. Randy Savage Is Gone!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8dB6ISezuI The Macho Man Randy Savage worked as colour commentator during Raw's formative years, calling the action alongside Vince McMahon. The beloved wrestler would still occasionally get in the ring and work, but he was mainly restricted to announcing duties. That frustrated him, so in late 1994, he packed up and headed off to WCW. It came as a major shock to WWF fans, when McMahon suddenly announced Savage's departure on the November 7th Raw. One of the faces of the WWF for eight successful years, Savage was thought to be a WWF'er for life. It was a real life "holy s***" moment for fans, and also a "holy s***, WCW is getting to be serious competition" wake up call for the WWF. He'd been on Raw all through October, and now without warning he was gone. It was unfathomable at the time and McMahon looked devastated as he relayed the news.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.