12 Wrestlers With The Most WWE SummerSlam Matches

10. Christian - 9 Matches

Christian is also on nine matches at SummerSlam, but his 6-3 record beats out Mysterio's negative 4-5 record. The Canadian wrestler was active during the WWF's Attitude Era boom, helping to make up a key component of the events in the late nineties and early 2000's. His tag efforts alongside Edge, against The Hardyz and Dudleyz, were often the show stealers, and that was certainly the case at SummerSlam 2000. WWE did the first ever TLC match at that show, with Edge and Christian retaining the tag titles over The Hardyz and Dudleyz. His most recent SummerSlam appearance was 2013, losing to world champion Alberto Del Rio. Two years before that, Christian had dropped the world title to Randy Orton, in a no holds barred thriller at SummerSlam 2011.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.