Zack Ryder and his fans routinely complain about the Long Island native's lack of push. He has over one million twitter followers, he got over thanks to his own initiative, he works hard and has an unmatched passion for wrestling, etc. All valid points. However, there's no escaping the fact that he dresses like a total jobber. Choice of ring gear is an important part of being taken seriously and, although Zack's colourful threads may be a hit with younger fans and his pop culture references a hit with other viewers, they're not bound to impress the powers that be. Then there's the half tights/half trunks combination. To put it bluntly, they look like something a diva would wear. You can't blame him for trying to look unique and get noticed, but this strange combination is not the way to go about it. They just look wrong. Either wear tights or wear trunks. Don't wear an amalgamation of both.