15 Wrestlers With The Worst Fashion Sense

8. TAFKA Goldust

It is long-believed that the Goldust character was another way for Vince McMahon to take a shot at the Rhodes family, in particular Dusty. Vince had it in for them, as evidenced by the ridiculous polka dot singlet that he made Dusty wear when he came to work for the company. Goldust's original outfit certainly turned a few heads. There wasn't another wrestler wearing a gold body suit, makeup, a long blonde wig and a robe made out of feathers. It definitely made an impression, even if it wasn't to everyone's tastes. When Goldust became 'The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust' in 1997, things got a little too weird, especially in the style department. Every week Goldust came out wearing a new strange, ugly outfit. Wigs, bras, neon mesh. You name it, TAFKA Goldust wore it. When people look back on Dust Rhodes' long and illustrious career, it's doubtful that anyone will look at this period with fondness.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...