15 Wrestlers With The Worst Fashion Sense

5. Eddie Guerrero

Latino Heat may be one of the greatest wrestlers of all-time but his fashion sense leaves little to be desired. Inside the ring Eddie was a consummate professional, capable of putting on a five star classic at the drop of a hat. Outside the ring, he didn't look like he was capable of dressing himself properly. Whenever Eddie had to wear his own threads for a backstage segment or in-ring interview, the results weren't pretty. His oversized silk shirts and suit pants made him look like some sort of low budget mafioso. Then there was that haircut. Eddie's hair evolved over the years but it rarely approached anything resembling 'cool'. While Eddie's ring gear was always on-point during his WWE run, it took him a while to figure his look out. Remember his green tights from ECW or his awful singlets for his early WCW days?

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...