15 Wrestlers With The Worst Fashion Sense

4. Team Extreme

Part of The Hardy Boys and Lita's appeal was how different they were from everybody else. Lita had flame red hair, Jeff's hair was either blue, yellow, red, pink or green, depending on what mood he was in. They wore baggy pants, baseball caps, weird mesh tops and so on. They stood out, and younger fans especially were taken by them. They looked cool, for the time. Looking back, they didn't really look cool at all. Like a lot of things from that period, the fashion hasn't aged so well. The 'alternative' fashion that Matt, Jeff and Lita were into certainly hasn't aged well. If you didn't know any better, you would think that they were some failed band from a second rate reality show. WWF magazine released a special Team Extreme issue in 2001 where one of the features was a fashion shoot at an alternative New York boutique. The results weren't pretty, as evidenced in the pictures above and below.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...