Zack Ryder's 10 Biggest Underdog Moments In WWE

4. Winning The Great American Bash Battle Royal (SmackDown!, 3 July 2012)

Zack Ryder Sheamus

With all the momentum he had when 2011 came to a close, WWE had a golden opportunity to run with Zack Ryder as a mainstay in the midcard heading into the new year. Unfortunately, they instead opted to pull the rug right from underneath him and cut his hot streak short. By the summer of 2012, he was back to being utilized as an undercard act with zero direction.

Thus, when it came time for the Great American Bash Battle Royal on a special SmackDown! in early July, no one thought Ryder had a remote chance of winning. John Cena, Big Show, CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan were likelier candidates, yet all of them were eliminated throughout the bout. When it came down to Kane and Zack Ryder as the final combatants, the arena shook.

It was because of Kane that Ryder was dumped by Eve and his career was sent into a downward spiral, so it was only fitting that he had to go through The Big Red Monster to win a one-week stint as SmackDown general manager. Right when it appeared Kane had the match in the bag, Ryder eliminated his longtime rival to pick up the blockbuster victory.

Nothing notable came out of him hosting "ZackDown" for one week, but it was refreshing to see him back in a prominent spot on the card for the first time in months.

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Zack Ryder
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Since 2008, Graham has been a diehard pro wrestling fan and, in 2010, he combined his passions for WWE and writing when he joined Bleacher Report. Equipped with a master's in journalism, Graham has contributed to WhatCulture, FanSided's Daily DDT, Sports Betting Dime, and GateHouse Media. Along the way, he has conducted interviews with wrestling superstars like Chris Jericho, Edge, Goldberg, Christian, Diamond Dallas Page, Jim Ross, Adam Cole, Tessa Blanchard, Ryback, and Nick Aldis among others.