10 Dystopian Futures Of Comic Book Superheroes

6. Judge Dredd: City Of The Damned

X-Men Days Of Future Past

Wait, how could Mega-City One possibly get any worse? With an apocalypse-level event, that's how. Investigating a prophecy which foretells the complete destruction of the Big Meg, Judges Dredd and Anderson travel into the future to see what the big disaster is and if anything can be done about it.

Turns out that this will be the last thing Dredd sees again - at least, with his own biological eyes. He and Anderson are attacked by vampires, the zombified Dredd of this timeline, and the giant mutant responsible. Dredd's eyes are impaled on the Mutant's claws and the two Judges barely escape with their lives, back to their own timeline of 2107.

This terrible future is averted when the Judges destroy the clone from which the Mutant was born, but every so often echoes and visitors from this alternate future show up in Mega-City prime just to make Dredd's day a little worse. About the eyes though? The lawman was more than satisfied with his superior bionic replacements - remarking that he should have had the operation ages ago.


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.