10 Goriest Films Of All Time

3. The Gore Gore Girls (1972)

Gore Yes it is H G Lewis time on this list! You just knew that the Godfather of Gore was eventually going to turn up on a list of gory movies. If he was missing it would be like shouting at Lassie for barking. The Gore Gore Girls was the last film from H G Lewis before he retired from the film world to make a fortune in marketing. It is also his goriest film, a deeply flawed and shoddy film, but it definitely delivers outrageously gory goods. Basically a killer is knocking off 'dancers' in a strip club (these are the most pitiful, most woeful strippers ever seen on screen). The murderer likes to smash the strippers' face in - hacking at them with a meat cleaver and poking out the eyeballs. There is a debonair detective and a stupid drunken journalist woman on the case. Besides mutilating women's faces, other gory highlights include the killer turning a stripper's ass into a bloody mess with a meat tenderiser and seasoning it afterwards. Another stripper has her face cooked in a chip pan. Yet another stripper gets her nipples snipped off. Out of one breast comes regular milk, out of the other comes chocolate milk. It is a revolting spectacle to sit through. The gore is dirt cheap but the sheer relentless violence behind it makes it a hard film to sit through. It is so gory, I actually managed to convince my mother it was a snuff film. She believed me! There are moments of humour that try to temper the bloody mayhem in the movie such as a women's rights movement invading the stage with placards - 'Quit the T*t!'. But overall, it is the goriness that takes centre stage in the film. H G Lewis has made more charming movies - 2000 Maniacs! and The Wizard of Gore, but they didn't feature such mean spirited savagery as The Gore Gore Girls.


My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!