10 Goriest Films Of All Time

2. Tokyo Gore Police (2008)tokyo gore police 2 If there is one thing the Japanese both love and excel at, it is a good old fashioned gory movie. Tokyo Gore Police is extreme in its splatter with gallons of the red stuff spewing onto the screen. There is some top class gore here as the Tokyo police and a girl called Ruka try to stop the onslaught of 'Engineers' who are developing in ever greater numbers. These engineers have a boss, they spout weapons where limbs and other appendages should be and to kill them you must remove the key from where it is hidden in the engineer's body. Tokyo Gore Police is insanely gory. There is a gory happening in the film virtually every two minutes. There is some bloody self mutilation and when people are decapitated, to say the words "gushing blood" does not do justice to the ferocity with which the red stuff leaves their wounds. There is a bizarre section in which a woman's legs turn into a crocodile and snap at a poor young man, relieving him of his penis and a few limbs. This guy is turned into an engineer by the Engineer boss and he thus sprouts a big long killer penis, which is a bit more impressive than his regular manhood. There is violence galore in Tokyo Gore Police, it overwhelmed me so much a lot of it passed me by as I was stunned by its frequency. The police crack down on the Engineers and suspected engineers with a brutality that is just plain sadism for sadism's sake - they over kill their victims. There also a scene I have never seen staged out of Japanese cinema (except for HG Lewis' 2000 Maniacs!) and that is quartering of a person by tying their legs and arms to four horses and getting them to go off in different directions (for a similarly outrageous act of gore see the ultra violent Shogun's Joy of Torture 2: Split Oxen Torturing - does exactly what it says in the title) The gore in Tokyo Gore Police is actually one of its charms as it is so OTT it is both funny and ludicrous. The film is snappy in its pace and it never descends into darkness or gloom. It could be called cartoonish due to its constant blood letting which will tickle the J-Horror enthusiast pink but will be judged distasteful by the vast majority of people. One for the Christmas stocking then?


My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!