Star Wars Rogue One: 12 Most Awesome Moments

8. "I'm Blind!"

Star Wars Darth Vader

Just a small piece of comic relief from Donnie Yen, but it gets arguably the biggest laugh in the entire movie. After most of the group have met and wiped out a million stormtroopers – just a rough estimate – they’re captured and taken prisoners by Saw Gerrera’s men.

They put hoods on everyone, including the notably blind Chirrut, prompting him to loudly moan “Are you *kidding* me? I’m blind!” In addition to being a great one-liner, it sums up the spirit of the character perfectly and is another reason to call on Disney for some kind of spin-off with him.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.