10 Franchises We Need To See Given The Lego Game Treatment

4. Pixar Films

Due to Disney's huge investment in competing with Skylanders through Disney Infinity, it is rather unlikely that they would be willing to license their characters to another game, particularly one that could potentially compete with Infinity. However in the past Lego have made quite a substantial number of sets based on Pixar's most notable IP Toy Story, so we can still hope that a Lego Pixar game remains a possibility. In very much the same style as the recently successful Lego Marvel Super Heroes, if a Lego Pixar game was ever proposed it would be great to be able to combine all of Pixar's greatest films and much cherished characters into the one game. The variety of characters all have the potential to play very uniquely as for example, Buzz Lightyear could potentially glide across small gaps whilst Sulley from Monsters Inc. could pick up and move heavy items. The films also certainly suit the two player cooperative play focus since almost every Pixar film features two main characters who spend much of the film together in their respective struggle (in fact when you think about it, many Pixar films are very similar to buddy cop movies in that respect). Anyway the Pixar films are universally loved by both adults and children making them the perfect focus for a co-op based adventure game that children can play with their parents.

I'm the sort of person who gets a job as a bike salesman despite the fact I can't ride a bike..... true story. Currently on a Gap Year before studying Media Production at Bournemouth University. Random fact: My kitchen door sounds like R2-D2! Check out my Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/exclamativepenguins