10 Franchises We Need To See Given The Lego Game Treatment

5. The Walking Dead

Okay, so Lego and a super gory zombie-based drama might go together as well as a piece of Lego being stood on by a bare foot in the middle of the night; but if TT Games ever decided to base a Lego game on a more mature franchise, then why not? After all lets consult the 'Lego Formula' for a moment..... Mainstream Popular Franchise + Melee Based Combat + Variety of Characters with unique abilities + 2 player Coop =Successful Lego Game. Let's imagine for a moment that such a game was a possibility. The main hub world could cover various locations from the TV series and even comics. Being able to explore the prison, Hershel's Farm and Woodbury in a massive open world would be a truly awesome experience for even the most casual of Walking Dead viewers. The universe also has an excellent supporting cast of characters who could all have unique abilities. Child characters such as Carl would be able to crawl through small gaps, characters such as Maggie and Daryl could be super accurate with weapons and even Hershel could plant seeds which could grow plants allowing the group to progress/access hidden collectibles. The melee-based focus of Lego Games also suits the lack of ammo available in The Walking Dead's universe. It would be great to pass over from the Lego Indiana Jones games how random weapons could be found in the environment to help in any potential battles. When it comes to the violence in The Walking Dead, a lot of this could easily be avoided in a Lego game through the slapstick nature of the comedy present in these adaptations. An arm or leg decapitation loses all its sense of horror when a Lego minifigure can just screw their limb back in place (something the Lego Star Wars games have dealt with). When it comes to the Walkers themselves TT Games would just have to make them seem more cute or rely on physical comedy for laughs, making it suitable for children 12 and up.

I'm the sort of person who gets a job as a bike salesman despite the fact I can't ride a bike..... true story. Currently on a Gap Year before studying Media Production at Bournemouth University. Random fact: My kitchen door sounds like R2-D2! Check out my Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/exclamativepenguins