Far Cry: Every Game Ranked Worst To Best
6. Far Cry 4

Following up the surprise smash-hit that was Far Cry 3, the fourth main entry in the series attempted to be even bigger. While the developers certainly achieved upping the ante in almost every department, by injecting every feature with a dose of steroids, the release lost the cohesion and polish that made its predecessor so engaging.
The formula was mostly the same, but subtle changes like the prevalence of accessible, long-ranged silenced snipers, often resulted in gameplay that didn't inspire experimentation. Once you had your tactics down, guns bought and abilities upgraded, you could pretty much rely on them for the next twenty hours.
It didn't help that the plot was the same as 3 either, propped up once again by another "whacky"-yet-memorable villain in Troy Baker's Pagan Min. It was still great to watch unfold, but didn't help the release feel like anything more than Far Cry 3.5.
All this makes Far Cry 4 a difficult game to criticise. It doesn't do anything wrong but it also doesn't really do anything particularly right, either. Everything is solid and there's a great time to be had, but despite throwing in huge monsters and even more surreal drug-fuelled sequences, this lacks the creative spark that made the best games in the franchise so intoxicating.