10 MORE Greatest Battles In Star Trek

Which of these big bad Star Trek bust ups made you long the days of diplomacy and peace?

USS Defiant Centaur Star Trek Prodigy Supernova Battle
CBS Media Ventures

Several years have passed since we last tackled the biggest and baddest battles in Star Trek, though there has not been a lack of examples to dive into. The newest shows on the block came out firing - often quite literally - announcing this latest age of streaming Trek.

There were several omissions from the first list that seem mind-boggling, so lets take this opportunity to lay some criteria for our latest deep dive. First - this is not a list of those fist-pumping moments where the good guys prevailed. A great battle does not necessarily mean a victorious one. Already, we can imagine the cogs turning in your head, thinking of the possibilities. 

Second - a battle does not need to depicted from beginning to end to qualify. Wolf 359 will not appear here (there's always a coveted spot on a third list) but you will see what we mean as the article goes on.

With that, let's arm torpedoes, charge those phaser banks, and raise shields: the battles have begun, and the core is probably about to explode. Figures.

10. The Enterprise Versus The Narrada

USS Defiant Centaur Star Trek Prodigy Supernova Battle

Star Trek 09, as we've come to call it, is directly responsible for reinvigorating the franchise which had admittedly gone a bit stale after Star Trek: Enterprise had been abruptly cancelled. In the years between both projects, J.J. Abrams envisioned a new take on the material that would bring Trek back to the big screen, making it more accessible for a modern audience.

The three Kelvin universe films offered a tonne of action, exploding back into the public consciousness with almost as much force as Chris Hemsworth flying through the viewscreen, The first of these films gave us a new Enterprise, a new crew, and a new take on the Romulans. Nero brought his Narrada to the nightmares of many Starfleet officers, though he did not stand unopposed. 

During the climactic fight with Spock, Nero orders a full barrage of torpedoes to be fired at the much smaller vessel. Then, in a musical flourish that still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, the Enterprise warps in, saving Spock, firing all weapons at the far, far larger ship. 

A combination of phasers, torpedoes, and a handy MacGuffin in the form of Red Matter, finally brings the mining ship to its knees. It was a brief battle, but it proved that Trek was back and ready to show off. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick