10 Best Batman Beyond Episodes

1. Splicers

Batman Beyond Spellbinder
Warner Bros.

Splicers is probably the best example of how high concept Batman Beyond could get. It focuses on a new body modification trend ran by the Chimera corp, where people can merge their DNA with an animal, either for style or for enhanced abilities.

Quickly, the trend turns dark as it leads to increased aggression among participants. When Batman tries to shut it down, he’s spliced against his will, and turns into a literal rabid bat man, at least until Bruce can cure him.

While the dialogue and quips feel very of their era, the overall premise of extreme body modification and the desire to play god with our existence is still extremely relevant today. It’s these kind of storylines that ensure the show remains relevant well after its run has finished.

The final battle, which sees Chimera turn himself into a snake/hawk hybrid is wonderfully unique too. Batman is only able to defeat him by overloading him with splices, making him get stronger and stronger until he eventually loses control of his mutations. If they ever make a Batman Beyond video game, it'd be one hell of a concept for a boss battle.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)