10 Best Batman Beyond Episodes

2. Rebirth

Batman Beyond Spellbinder
Warner Bros.

Rebirth is the second two-partner on the list, but is actually the first Batman Beyond episode ever aired. It opens with Bruce Wayne’s last night as Batman, where we see him older and weaker. He picks up a gun to defend himself, and while he doesn’t use it, it’s enough to get him to retire from vigilantism for good.

Origin stories aren’t always great, but after a tragically melancholic opening, the rest of the story is told at breakneck speed. An Akira inspired motorcycle chase leads Terry to Wayne manor where we get to see old man Bruce fight off a gang of Jokerz, who take their name from Batman's most notorious adversary.

It’s so crammed with action, as Terry discovers Bruce is Batman, finds out his father was killed by Derek Powers and that Powers himself has been illegally experimenting with chemicals before Terry steals the Batsuit. The fact Bruce is initially angry that Terry has taken up the cowl and even tries to sabotage him immediately marks their relationship as being far different from a traditional Batman/Robin pairing.

It ends with Terry being directly responsible for the series’ overarching villain - Blight too. Not only does it introduce characters and dynamics perfectly, it sets up complex arcs to pay off later on as well.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)