10 DC Characters Who NEED Their Own Movie

7. Plastic Man

Nightwing Comic
DC Comics

Plastic Man has long been compared to Mr Fantastic, and it’s certainly not an unwarranted comparison. The frequent debate between fans as to who would win if they matched up comes down to the idea that Mr Fantastic’s mind has no limit while Plastic Man’s body has no limit.

Regardless as to who would come out on top, Reed Richards has certainly enjoyed a more popular and successful career in the comics, as well as having much more impact in popular culture than Patrick O’Brian. However, after three failed Fantastic Four movies, no one would begrudge Plastic Man having a shot at the spotlight.

Better SFX these days means his stretching powers would look much better than Reed’s in 2005 as well.

Back when he debuted in 1941, Plastic Man was one of the first superheroes to integrate a bit of comedy into his storylines. It was fairly tame, dated stuff by today’s standards, but god knows DC needs to lighten up a bit.

They don’t need to go full on pie in the face with it, but a little slapstick wouldn’t go amiss. Ant-Man, Shazam and Deadpool have all demonstrated in very different ways how comedy superheroes can work.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)