10 Most Powerful Batman Villains

8. Solomon Grundy

Solomon Grundy
DC Comics

Solomon Grundy (born on a Monday, don't you know), is more along the lines of the Killer Croc definition of €œpowerful€. As in the literal, physical sense.

Named after the 19th century nursery rhyme of the same name, he was introduced originally as an enemy to Alan Scott, the Green Lantern of the Golden Age, but is probably better known now for his various encounters with the Dark Knight.

So you know The Hulk? Super powerful guy, incredibly tough, can take any beating you throw at him pretty much? Now imagine he's a zombie. That's pretty much Solomon Grundy in a nutshell. He has superhuman strength and stamina, although both have varied over the years, and you pretty much can't kill him. He's virtually indestructible and immortal, thanks to being undead. He is nearly invulnerable to physical, magical, and energy attacks for the same reason.

Batman beat him in The Long Halloween, but Grundy never stays dead for long thanks to his healing factor.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/