10 Most Ridiculously Overpowered Superheroes In The DC Universe

2. Superman One Million

Superman gets the most flack for being "overpowered" and thus a "boring character", but that's not entirely fair. For one thing, the reason he has so many of the most obvious superpowers is because he was the first superhero, and so he kind of got to throw everything at the wall to see what stuck, abilities-wise. Also, as we've seen with the rest of this list, he's totally not the most ridiculously overpowered character in the DC Universe. He's plenty powerful, but he's been killed before without having to use much more than a monster that was stronger and more vicious than him, and he has plenty more weaknesses than a lot of his superpowered friends and foes. Where you would have an argument is if you pointed to the Superman of the excellent DC One Million crossover, who has been living in the yellow sun which grants him his powers for, well, a few hundred thousand years. Just getting exposed to sunlight on Earth whenever he left the house gave Clark Kent the powers of flight, invulnerability, super-strength and heat vision, so you can imagine what happens when he goes and actually lives in the sun for dozens of centuries. Not only does he have crazily heightened versions of his usual powers but, when he finally leaves the sun, he hooks up with all the Supermen who defended Earth during his exile and absorbs all of their abilities too, which lifts his vulnerability to magic and Kryptonite and allows him to bring Lois Lane back to life after 150,000 years. Oh and he has a Green Lantern power ring too. Superman Prime is the "ultimate" version of the Man of Steel a 10-year-old invents during an argument with friends over who would win, Superman or Goku?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/