10 Things You Didn't Know About Apocalypse

2. He Enrolled In Jean Grey€™s School For Higher Learning (Sort Of)

In the 2010 story arc "Heroic Age", Apocalypse's followers bring him back to life in the form of a child. X-Force hear of his return and decide to kill him - that is until they learn he is a child and Psylocke decides to nurture him into a being of good. Fantomex, however, didn't believe that was possible and, much to the shock and dismay of his team-mates, killed him. Then, at the end of the 2012 "Dark Angel Saga" story arc, Fantomex clones Apocalypse and raises the resulting child himself. Calling him Evan Sabahnur (with the mutant name "Genesis"), he enrolled him in Jean Grey's School For Higher Learning, where his classmates immediately recognised him as a version of the powerful and dangerous villain.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.