10 Things You Didn't Know About Apocalypse

3. Magneto Killed Him Single-Handedly

Now, this may have been an alternate timeline version of Apocalypse, but bearing in mind it's from the Age of Apocalypse timeline (designated Earth-295) - a timeline in which Apocalypse essentially rules the world and kills of millions of humans and a timeline which temporarily took over from the 616 timeline and had major ramifications in the main Marvel timeline - this was no mean feat from Magneto. Apocalypse may appear to be nigh-unbeatable, but this all-powerful version was single-handedly defeated - and quite unceremoniously and emphatically - by the master of metal. He did so by magnetically tearing him in half, in spite of the villain's magnificent durability and physical strength, telekinetic powers and control over molecules. So, when you see Apocalypse in next year's X-Men: Apocalypse movie, don't think he's unbeatable - he may even suffer the same fate in live action.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.