12 Unfairly Hated DC Comics Characters
9. Aquaman
We have about a hundred TV comedians to thank for turning Aquaman into a joke. Just because he seemed relatively lame in “Super Friends,” a show that ended thirty years ago, does that really have to define the character for generations to come?
Plus, when creators tackle him nowadays, they always need to react against his perceived lameness. Hence we get the artificially roughed-up Jason Momoa version, who looks more like a “Sons of Anarchy” reject than Aquaman.
Let’s start taking Aquaman at face value. There’s nothing inherently lame about a big-time superhero with oceanic abilities. Outside of the context of Aquaman, everbody knows that the ocean is an awesome place full of incredible creatures.
Aquaman can lead an armada of mako sharks. He can explore the very darkest unknown depths. And he can train an octopus named Topo to play several instruments at once.