15 Superhero Voice Actors Who Totally Nailed Their Characters

4. CCH Pounder: Amanda Waller

Amanda Waller Justice League Unlimited
Warner Bros. Animation

A candidate for the character onscreen and off, CCH Pounder is, to many, the best thing about Justice League: Unlimited - a product of the quality and nuance the show strived for in its years on the air.

The great thing about Pounder's Waller is that the character forced audiences to reevaluate the League themselves. More impressive, however, is that she was able to out-intimidate Batman when he appeared in her bathroom. Like, who does that? Nobody outmanoeuvres Batman. Nobody.

Waller has made a massive impact on the genre since being introduced in 1986, but the character's resurgent popularity has Pounder and the team from Justice League to be thankful for. Given how often filmmakers look towards animation and the comics themselves for inspiration, it's not at all disingenuous to suggest that Pounder paved the way for the character's burgeoning big screen ascension.

One particular episode to note, however, comes at the end of JLU's first season. A literal epilogue to the events of the show and Batman Beyond, the episode sees Waller at an older age, and, without spoiling the ending, tied to the Bat-mythos in a totally unexpected way. Here's hoping that Arkham Origins cameo wasn't for nothing...

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.