Captain America: Civil War - 26 WTF Moments

19. Tony Stark Is Literally The Worst Businessman

Captain America Civil War Tony Stark Robert Downey Jr.jpg

He might be entitled to use his money as he pleases, but someone needs to sit Tony Stark down and have a serious word with him about using resources reponsibly.

Only a couple of years ago he was spunking money on building tens of variants to his Iron Man suit (which he then scrapped on the insistence of his girlfriend), and now he's spent $611 MILLION making a holographic projection device that plugs straight into memories so he can show a group of strangers how much he regrets not telling his parents he loves them.

And THEN, he pledges to pay for every single MIT undergraduate's projects, no matter what they are. Have you been to university? Could you say, without exception, that every one of your classmates' work deserved full funding? It's incredibly silly, and he might be a nice philanthropist, but this is the kind of behaviour that makes people like Obediah Stane rise up and try to remove you from your own company.

And how has he even got this cartoonish wealth still? He bankrolls the Avengers, who burn money and it's hardly likely his stock prices are up after he built a robo-army that then TRIED TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! All of that money and he can't develop a radar system on his Iron Man suit that detects the giant quinjet that Black Panter is stalking him in after he leaves The Raft prison.

Is it too much to ask for a bit of fiscal responsibility in our superhero movies?


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.