Every Arrowverse Season Ranked From Worst To Best

13. Arrow Season 6

Arrowverse CW
The CW

Arrow Season 6 is something of an enigma as it somehow managed to incite reactions of applause and outrage on a recurring loop.

While it started off rather strong, fans were disappointed at the complete lack of risks taken with the fallout of Season 5 when it was revealed that no major regular character died in the Lian Yu explosion in the previous finale. Continuing the mixed response, the full-time addition of Black Siren reinvigorated the show while main villain Cayden James significantly held it back.

However, the season reached peak divisiveness midway through its run as the forced conflict between the new and old members of Team Arrow was nothing short of infuriating to watch and dragged episode after episode down, while revealing Ricardo Diaz to be the main Big Bad resulted in a major dynamic shift that ultimately benefited the show.

That dynamic shift led the season towards its conclusion and, in the process, produced what is perhaps the greatest string of consecutively strong episodes in the series' history. From Diaz's strategic takedown of Green Arrow to Black Siren's emotional turmoil over her newfound affection for father figure Quentin, there was so much juicy material in the second half - and it all led towards an equally strong finale. In the end, that was enough to make up for the infuriating Team Arrow drama.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.