How Spider-Man Would Defeat Every Batman Villain

3. Poison Ivy

Spider-Man Poison Ivy
DC Comics

With her ability to control plants and men, Poison Ivy has proven to be among the most dangerous people in Gotham. The only reason why Batman is able to beat her is because he's trained his mind rigorously to resist Ivy's mind-control.

Unfortunately, Spider-Man might have an issue with fighting Gotham's biggest eco-terrorist, since he's easily enticed by attractive women. He became so gooey-eyed while facing Black Cat, Elektra, and Silver Sable, he allowed them to escape justice on more than one occasion. Because Ivy's abilities are strong enough to work on Superman, it seems like Spider-Man wouldn't have a chance against her.

But the moment Ivy tries to kiss the Wall-crawler with her lethal lips, his Spider-Sense would kick in, causing him to leap out of danger. Even while Spidey is under Ivy's spell, she wouldn't be able to deactivate his Spider-Sense, making it nearly impossible to kiss him.

Although Spider-Man isn't a botanist, he knows a bit of weedkiller is all he needs to make short work of Ivy. After arming himself with herbicides like glyphosate or bromacil, he could destroy Ivy's weaponised plants and knock her out in a heartbeat.


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