What The Boys' Cast Look Like In The Comics

6. A-Train

The Boys
Dynamite Entertainment

In The Comics

A-Train's comic design lies somewhere between Nightwing and The Flash in terms of costume design - with the overall result looking like a jock put an 'A' shaped mask on and worked out the rest of his superhero gimmick from there. With A-Train, the branding is as clear as his douchebaggery, and the result is a character who both looks like a superhero and that guy who used to bully people at school, which is a pretty spot-on design for his character.

In The Show

A-Train The Boys
Amazon Studios

Changing his goggles to glasses - and his race - A-Train swaps his sleeveless shirt for shoulder pads, and puts on a costume that works far closer to his sports star characterisation than the conventional superhero costume he dons within the comics.

With the collective main cast of The Boys comic series containing a whopping one person of colour, it's nice to see the show take a more balanced approach with their casting - even if it is for one of the their villains.

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The Boys
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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.