Robin Williams takes the emotional adventure of a family robot who goes on a journey to become a human being; what is not to like? Apparently a lot, according to this 1999 release and its sensational flop at the box office. However, Bicentennial man was arguably one of Williams sweetest roles. He plays Andrew, an android who is purchased by the Martin Family and, over time, becomes as much of a biological member as humanly (intentional pun) possible. The movie mostly excels in making us understand the motives of an android and the complications behind AI and it's future on this planet, and even though it may seem hokey and far fetched, Robin Williams delivers the character beautifully in a way no actor of this generation ever could. It does have to be said though that Christopher Columbus did seem to do what he always sets out to do with each and every one of his movies; have us all bubbling like emotional idiots at one point or another. I defy anyone to find a movie where we connect to a main character who spends the first half as an emotionally void robot, and by the end has us all reaching for multiple tissues.
TV and Film fanatic with too much time on her hands and a penchant for fast food and handsome men, not necessarily in that order.
Self proclaimed 'funny one' among family and friends.