10 More Most Confusing Movie Moments Nobody Understands

7. Walking Across The Bottom Of The Ocean - Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl

Margot Robbie The Big Short
Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

The Pirates of the Caribbean is a franchise that has been built on the ridiculous and often simply unbelievable exploits and adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow. As the movies kept coming, the set pieces became more bombastic and eccentric, as at one point the famed pirate even knew where a man would step a good five minutes before he even entered the room.

One of the strangest things he ever did, however, came in his very first appearance and was part of the first time he stole the hearts of the world as the lovable pirate rascal.

Jack had a plan to commandeer the royal fleet's grandest ship, the Interceptor, but to do so he needed to essentially sneak up to it. He and Will Turner grabbed a rowing boat, and using a pocket of air trapped within the boat were able to walk across the floor of the ocean without suffocating.

Though not something the typical movie-goer will have a strong knowledge of to hand, the laws of physics say that creating this kind of air bubble under the water is possible, but what raises more questions is the pure weight and pressure needed to stop the boat from rising back to the surface.

Jack Sparrow achieved many unbelievable feats, but non quite so unbelievable as this.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.