10 Abandoned Franchises That Deserved Another Movie

5. Salt

Hellboy 2
Columbia Pictures

Despite the terrible title, 2010's Salt was a hit at the box office after earning almost $300m, once again proving Angelina Jolie's credentials as one of her generation's most popular action heroines. The movie's conclusion deliberately left the door open for the title character to return, but despite the initial optimism of both director Phillip Noyce and producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura the project never came together.

The 21st Century saw the spy thriller make a huge comeback thanks to Bourne, Bond and the resurgent Mission: Impossible franchise, and it seemed as though there was plenty of room at the table for Jolie to headline several more female-driven espionage actioners.

However, Jolie drastically scaled back her output following the movie's release, with the two Maleficent movies the only live-action projects she starred in over the next decade where she wasn't also directing. After a few years and no more than the occasional soundbite regarding a second movie, any talk of Evelyn Salt returning to our screens eventually vanished as stealthily as the secret agent would herself.


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