10 Acting Careers Destroyed By Great Movies

6. Mark Hamill - Star Wars VI: Return Of The Jedi

The Film: The Return Of The Jedi marked the final installment of the original trilogy in tremendous fashion, capping off the space opera saga before it's reboot 16 years later. While not quite the universal standout that was episode V, ROTJ was still a huge success worldwide and a near ideal launching pad for Mark Hamill to kick on to a vast acting career. What Happened Next: After the immeasurable success of the Star Wars franchise in the late 70's and 80's, Mark Hamill floundered in Hollywood, struggling to get a hold of the celebrity lifestyle and living up to the standards of the franchise he was such an integral part of. Years of trying to shake the stigma and typecasting of 'that guy who was Luke Skywalker' clearly took it's toll on Hamill who all but gave up on live action films. Comparing anyone's success from the original saga with that of Harrison Ford puts most in a bad light, but Hamill floundered under the spotlight and struggled to take his career past his most well known performance. What Now: Since moving into the world of voice acting, Hamill has carved himself quite a niche in recent years as The Joker in nearly every rendition of the character outside of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. With the Star Wars series rebooting and the fans clamoring for a Hamill appearance, all is not lost for the for the 64 year old.

I've loved all things sport since I was old enough to know what sport was and am a big fan of terrible jokes. I get into some Gaming in my spare time and writing articles about the things I love to watch and play.