10 Actors About To Play Hugely Against Type

7. Glenn Close As A Redneck - Hillbilly Elegy

Kevin James Becky
Sony Pictures Classics

Glenn Close boasts one of the most formidable filmographies of any living actress, with a stonking seven (!) Oscar nominations to her name for her depictions of intense, forthright, and typically powerful women.

But fresh off her Oscar-nominated portrayal of a restrained middle-class spouse in The Wife, Close will shed her typical air of dignity and composure to play "Mamaw," the fiery redneck grandmother at the center of Hillbilly Elegy, Ron Howard's new Netflix drama adapted from J. D. Vance's memoir.

Given that the novel depicts Mamaw as both a gun-totting abuser and also a source of support for Vance, it'll clearly give Close a heft of dramatic meat to chew on.

Basically, it'll be shocking if she isn't right at the top of the Best Supporting Actress Oscar race next year.

In a career full of mind-bogglingly transformative performances, this looks set to be one of Close's most startlingly left-field ones yet.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.