10 Actors Almost Cast As Batman (Who Would Have Sucked Way More Than Affleck)

7. Johnny Depp

Depp Batman

Another one on the early list for Batman Forever - possibly because of his close links with outgoing Batman director Tim Burton - Depp would certainly have brought something different to the role than Val Kilmer, who was of course ultimately cast, but his association with the film never seemed to get beyond the talking stage. Thankfully.

Why It Would Have Sucked

Depp is just too quirky: he might have made a reasonable Batman, where the oddity could shine and he could channel his inner theatricality (though perhaps a little less than he did for Jack Sparrow) but he just doesn't have the right charm or poise for Bruce Wayne.

And before you start arguing about his virtues as a genuine Hollywood star (which is what is needed for the Wayne side of the equation,) it's best to consider the actor's own agenda when it comes to accepting roles. His career choices tend to ignore the middle of the road leading man opportunities some of his acting counterparts regularly pick up, and he seems clearly dedicated to furthering the mythology of himself as a slightly off-centre quirky choice. And that just doesn't fit the Bruce Wayne model.

You also get the feeling that Depp is simply too nice to play Wayne - from as far back as Keaton - and thanks to the source - there's an arrogant streak in the character, and a manipulated social removal that allows him to move in high social circles, while remaining completely detached from them. And while the latter characteristic is pertinent in terms of Depp's public persona, the caveat of arrogance/aloufness isn't something that fits his profile.

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