10 Actors Fired From Harry Potter

7. Jennifer Smith - Lavender Brown

Harry Potter Voldermort
Warner Bros.

Now for the first real slice of controversy to grace this list of sacked Potter stars, and a piece of recasting that left more than a few Wizarding World fanatics scratching their heads for all the wrong reasons.

Though Gryffindor student Lavender Brown first found herself being played by an uncredited actor in The Chamber of Secrets, The Prisoner of Azkaban soon gave the character a bit more attention and Jennifer Smith was welcomed onto our screens in the role. Smith could be spotted in classes with the leading trio like Divination and Care of Magical Creatures, in case you were wondering.

But come the sixth instalment, that being Half-Blood Prince, Brown's absence from the flicks between then and Prisoner of Azkaban was brought to an end with the unexpected arrival of Jessica Cave in the part. And while recasting in theory isn't always a terrible thing, the fact that Smith had been replaced by a white actor the minute her character looked set to be given a more interesting direction as Ron's first girlfriend left many infuriated at the call to suddenly change the race of the character, regardless of the fact the Brown's skin colour isn't specified in the books.

Either way, it wasn't the best of looks for Warner Bros.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...