10 Actors It's Sacrilege To Dislike

5. Danny DeVito

I remember where I was when I read about Danny DeVito€™s divorce. I was in the staff room, drinking a cup of Joe that could only be described as€ €˜skanky€™, and scrolling through Vulture.com on my phone. And there it was. The sign that true love was a lie, because by God, if a man like Danny DeVito can€™t find true love, who can? Who can?! Like Goldberg, DeVito is an icon. Short, husky-voiced, as roly-poly as a ball of butter, and usually smoking a huge stogie. (As a fellow cigar afficiando, I salute you, sir). Everyone recognises Danny DeVito, and he automatically makes whatever he€™s in far more entertaining. The Jewel of the Nile, Ruthless People, Matilda, L.A. Confidential, Batman Returns€ DeVito€™s been in some classics. Okay okay, I hesitate to call Twins and Junior classics, but Arnold Schwarzenegger€™s huge frame and €˜bork bork bork€™ way of speaking versus DeVito€™s rapid, acidic patter made for some great dumb fun. DeVito is certainly a smart man when it comes to producing, by the way. Pulp Fiction, Get Shorty, Erin Brockovich? All produced by Danny DeVito, with help from his€ *watery sigh* now ex-wife, Rhea Perlman. Oh well. At least we€™ll always have It€™s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
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Amy Maynard is a PhD candidate by day, and a pop culture pundit by night. She enjoys drinking red wine, and reeks of Burberry perfume and cigar smoke.