10 Actors It's Sacrilege To Dislike

3. Tina Fey

In 2004, a film came out that changed not only my life, but the life of many teen girls everywhere. That film was Mean Girls. Acerbic, edgy and insightful, it was the brainchild of Tina Fey, a comedienne who is all those things, plus a woman who rocks square-framed glasses like it ain€™t nobody€™s business. A pioneer for funny women in the writer€™s room and out, Fey is an acclaimed actress and author, responsible for the TV show 30 Rock and the book Bossypants. Whenever folks give me guff about feminists being crazed man-hating Furies, I always calmly point out Tina Fey. She writes male characters extremely well (Jack Donaghy fan 4 lyf), but she also makes sure to create well-developed, three dimensional female characters. She comes across as a warm and well-rounded individual, and addresses issues that relate directly to women, both in her fictional and autobiographical works. Fey fights for the sisterhood, and she does it in a way that is just darn charming and disarming. She managed to work her way up to head writer of the Saturday Night Live newsroom, and of course, became infamous for her portrayal of Sarah Palin. But whilst Palin has faded into obscurity, it€™s very doubtful that a woman with Tina Fey€™s wit and talent will any time soon.
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Amy Maynard is a PhD candidate by day, and a pop culture pundit by night. She enjoys drinking red wine, and reeks of Burberry perfume and cigar smoke.