10 Actors It's Sacrilege To Dislike

2. Nathan Lane

A singer, a dancer, and an all-round mensch, I€™ve never come across anybody who€™s disliked Nathan Lane. I mean, why would you? He€™s a big 'n bombastic Broadway veteran who hams it up at every opportunity. I, like every child, first became acquainted with Lane through his work as Timon in The Lion King, and yes, when I first saw him in a live-action film (the truly great and underrated Mouse Trap) I yelled out, €˜THAT€™S TIMON!€™ Because you can€™t mistake Nathan Lane€™s voice €“ it€™s as rich as a chocolate pudding with extra fudge. And his acting is in a class all of its own. Loud then soft, joyous then cynical, wisecracking then gravely serious €“ and that€™s just in a single scene. Of course his masterpiece (in my opinion, anyway) is The Birdcage. It€™s not easy to trade zingers with Robin Williams and Hank Azaria and still come out on top, yet somehow Lane does it. It€™s even harder to take iconic theatre roles and make them your own, yet Lane has stamped his own distinctive style over the roles of Max Bialystock in The Producers, Nathan Detroit in Guys and Dolls, and Estragon in Waiting for Godot. But for me, the most impressive thing about Nathan Lane is that he€™s a largely untrained actor. He missed out on a drama scholarship when he first left school, because it wasn€™t enough to cover the expenses of living out of home. Rather than sitting around moping, Lane pulled himself up by his bootstraps, and is now one of the most recognised and beloved stage and screen actors. Cheers to you, Nathan Lane €“ pinkies up!
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Amy Maynard is a PhD candidate by day, and a pop culture pundit by night. She enjoys drinking red wine, and reeks of Burberry perfume and cigar smoke.