10 Actors Perfect For The DCEU (And Who They Should Play)

6. Timothée Chalamet - Tim Drake/Robin

Timothee Chalamet Robin
A24/DC Comics

Timothée Chalamet’s is certainly making a name for himself right now. His performance in The King is another career highlight and sure to gain him further awards and recognition, and whilst Chalamet has a string of other exciting projects coming up for release next year, we wonder if he would be keen for a reunion with one of his recent co-stars.

Robert Pattinson is the new Batman. Both Pattinson and Chalamet’s performances in The King were phenomenal, and the two played off each other marvellously well, which is why any sane person should like to see Chalamet don the cape of Pattinson’s Batman’s iconic sidekick, The Boy Wonder, Robin.

Whilst there have been multiple adaptations of Robin in both the comics and live-action, one version we have yet to see is the third of Batman’s adopted wards to take up the cape, Tim Drake. Drake is a unique entity in regards to the fact that he is one of the few characters to have actually worked out Batman’s secret identity by himself, but whilst still a child, and gaining him the respect of the world's greatest detective instantly and proving a more then capable partner.

Chalamet is a clever character actor and would be a great foil to Pattinson’s almost assuredly more sombre approach to portraying the Dark Knight, and with the chemistry between the actors already proven, surely, it has to be a no brainer?

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