10 Actors Perfect For The DCEU (And Who They Should Play)

5. Antony Starr - Eobard Thawne/The Reverse-Flash

Antony Starr Reverse Flash
Amazon/DC Comics

Amazon’s The Boys has been one of the biggest, and perhaps, most unexpected hits of this year, and one of the key reasons for this is due to Antony Starr’s show-stealing turn as the smiling-sadist-come-superman, Homelander.

But if Starr fancies trading in playing a hero who knows he is a villain for someone who embraces that completely, he should look no further than to one of DC’s most iconic villains: Eobard Thawne, more commonly known as the villainous antithesis of DC’s Scarlett Speedster, The Reverse-Flash.

Thawne is one of DC's greatest villains. He's a man from the future who grew up wanting nothing more than to be everything the Flash was, only to come to realise he never could and decide to murder his hero after acquiring the same powers. Starr is a perfect fit to capture such flawed brilliance.

With Ezra Miller still being confirmed as the lead for the upcoming live-action movie, Antony Starr would be an ideal smug, suave, and sociopathic counter to Miller’s more meek, awkward, and less commanding hero.

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