10 Actors Perfect For The DCEU (And Who They Should Play)

3. Liam Hemsworth - Oliver Queen/Green Arrow

Liam Hemsworth Green Arrow
Lionsgate/DC comics

The Green Arrow has certainly been the most dominate superhero of the last decade on the small screen but has to yet to take the leap into live-action cinema.

Whilst the CW series has opted to make Green Arrow as close akin to their in-universe Batman as humanly possible, the character that fans are more familiar with from the comics is a far more upbeat, quirky, yet still kick-ass hero.

Having a new Green Arrow in the DCEU, who fancies himself more as Batman’s competition and a sort-of equal would be interesting, but it would need an actor capable of both balancing the heart and humour of Green Arrow, and backing it up with some considerable brawn. We’ve seen plenty of that from actor Chris Hemsworth in the MCU playing the part of Thor, but a dip into the same gene pool could work out just as well if DC were to cast his brother Liam in the part.

Liam, after all, came close to landing the part of Thor himself only to be beaten to the punch (or hammer) by big brother Chris, but having made a name for himself by starring in the Hunger Games franchise away from his big brothers shadow, yet still possessing similar qualities as an actor he could be a good fit for the iconic archer.

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