10 Actors That Will Star In Just About Anything

2. Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel L Jackson likes to keep himself busy. The 66 year-old has appeared in at least two movies a year since 1988, and is equally comfortable starring in straight-to-video genre movies as he is lending support in mega-budget studio blockbusters. He shows no signs of slowing down, either; the actor starred in five movies last year and has another five set for release in 2015 including Avengers: Age Of Ultron and Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight. Five movies a year is actually quite tame for the prolific actor; Jackson appeared onscreen seven times in 1990 and 2008, and six times in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 2004 and 2010. With over 150 films clocked, the quality of his work is obviously hugely inconsistent and the actor's filmography covers everything from box office smash hits like Jurassic Park, the Star Wars prequels and The Avengers to critical and commercial disasters The Spirit, xXx: State of the Union and The Man by way of classics including Do The Right Thing, Pulp Fiction and The Incredibles. The Academy Award-nominee didn't become a big name until he was in his 40's, and has since turned into one of the hardest-working stars in Hollywood. Another actor that doesn't turn down many offers that come his way, Jackson explained his decision-making process by saying "I like to act. I read the script and sign the contract." That goes some way to explaining an eclectic career that has seen him eaten by a shark and a velociraptor, develop the most eloquent use of the word 'motherf**ker' in the business and star in as many bad movies as good ones.

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