10 Actors Who Appeared On Star Trek In Unusual Ways

8. William Hartnell/Jon Pertwee/Peter Davison

Paul Newman Star Trek

Doctor Who is older than Star Trek by three years, though both franchises have had their share of ups and downs over the years.

Though characters from the two franchises have yet to meet on-screen, there have been references to the many actors who have played the Doctor slotted into Star Trek: The Next Generation - at least before that pesky remaster came along.

In the first-season episode The Neutral Zone, Counsellor Troi is attempting to help Clare Raymond come to terms with having woken from cyro-sleep almost four hundred years into her future. She understandably feels that everything she's ever known or loved has faded into dust, so Troi sets about tracking down what's become of her family.

The line of names in the Raymond line included William Hartnell, Jon Pertwee and Peter Davison. There is also another split-second shot that includes Patrick Troughton, Tom Baker and Colin Baker as well - basically, all of the actors, bar Peter Cushing, who had played the Doctor to that point.

It was a clever, rights-safe way of honouring the other science-fiction franchise, without spelling it out too openly to the audience.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick