10 Actors Who Are Completely Unrecognisable For Upcoming Movies

1. Debra Winger - Kajillionaire

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Miranda July's upcoming crime-comedy Kajillionaire has been racking up strong reviews ever since its Sundance premiere earlier this year, revolving around a family of con artists - Robert (Richard Jenkins), Theresa (Debra Winger), and their daughter Old Dolio (Evan Rachel Wood).

Though all three lead actors are kitted out to look as garishly weird as possible, the inimitable Richard Jenkins and Evan Rachel Wood still largely look like themselves in oddball get-ups, but Debra Winger? Not a chance.

The three-time Oscar nominee's striking good looks have been stripped back in order to play Theresa, with the actress instead sporting only minimal makeup, blue-coloured contact lenses, and long, unkempt, greying hair.

At a momentary glance, only the most devoted Debra Winger fans would have a hope in hell of even noticing her.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.