10 Actors Who Are Completely Unrecognisable For Upcoming Movies

7. Rhys Ifans - The King's Man

Farrell Thumb Edited
20th Century Studios

Rhys Ifans has spent the bulk of his movie career playing scuzzy and outlandish characters with "eccentric" hairstyles, shall we say, but for his upcoming role as Grigori Rasputin in The King's Man, he's taking things to a whole other level.

Given that the legendary Russian mystic had one of history's all-time greatest beards, Ifans has appropriately donned a massive face-warmer along with a lengthy, flowing mane of hair.

Though this is already enough to conceal much of Ifans' face, the transformation goes one step further, by placing black makeup around the actor's eyes to give them a more sunken-in look. You know, in case you didn't know Rasputin was the bad guy or something.

From what we've seen from the trailers so far, Ifans is going to ham it up a storm, and we're going to love every minute of it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.