10 Actors Who Are Completely Unrecognisable For Upcoming Movies

6. Kristen Wiig - Wonder Woman 1984

Farrell Thumb Edited
Warner Bros.

Many eyebrows were raised when Kristen Wiig was cast as the primary antagonist of Wonder Woman 1984, Barbara Ann Minerva aka Cheetah, given how few truly villainous characters she's played throughout her career.

And while Wiig is effortlessly recognisable as Barbara Ann Minerva, the most recent trailer for the movie finally gave fans a lingering glimpse of her final Cheetah form.

Indeed, Cheetah's "boss mode" look couldn't less resemble Wiig, whose performance as Cheetah has presumably been generated through performance capture tech.

While some fans have criticised the CGI used to bring the villain to life, on the flip-side it is certainly effective in making Barbara's transformation into Cheetah as hauntingly grotesque as possible.

No matter how the character turns out, there's at least no doubt that Wiig will commit herself fully to the part, as she always does.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.