10 Actors Who Could Be The New James Bond

1. Sam Heughan

Tom Hardy Legend

Why He Might: Scottish actor Sam Heughan has gained a lot of steam with the bookies in recent months, having proven himself capable of carrying a series on his back with hit TV show Outlander, and elsewhere demonstrating just how slick and calculating he looks in a suit.

With a height of 6' 2", he'd also bring a towering quality back to 007 for those who've missed it with Daniel Craig, and is famous enough to be vaguely recognisable but not statuesque in the way that might turn Broccoli off.

Why He Might Not: Heughan is already 41 years old and would be nearing his mid-40s by the time his first film was in the bag, which might be deemed a bit too old - not that Heughan looks his age.

He's also a solid choice but perhaps not one that truly bowls over in any regard - a solid actor and good-looking, but lacking a defining edge to make him a truly inspired pick.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.