10 Actors Who Could Be The New James Bond

3. Henry Cavill

Tom Hardy Legend
Warner Bros.

Why He Might: Word on the street is that Henry Cavill came extremely close to beating Daniel Craig to the punch to play Bond, though what ultimately edged him out was being just 22 years of age.

Today Cavill is 38, though can certainly pass for a few years younger, and an AI casting program even recently picked Cavill as the ideal successor to Craig.

He fills all the aforementioned prerequisites of a James Bond actor, and with his time as Superman now seemingly up, his schedule seems open enough to entertain the idea.

Why He Might Not: Cavill is probably more threatened by his own previous work than anyone else.

It's tough to believe Broccoli casting Superman in the role of 007, and when you pile on Cavill's current commitments to Netflix's The Witcher, he might just be a little too visible as those characters for her liking.

Then again, considering how close he got to nabbing the part last time, that may ultimately override his association with two other extremely iconic characters.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.