10 Actors Who Could Play Green Goblin In The MCU

6. Matthew McConaughey

Green Goblin
Warner Bros.
Alright, alright, alright.

It might be a little difficult to separate the star from the character here, as Matthew McConaughey has more of a reputation as a popular figure than someone who sinks into his roles. Still, if Sony/Marvel were looking to go in a fascinating and unexpected direction with Norman, then McConaughey would be an easy way to do that.

The days of the McConaissance are pretty much over, as his position at the top of the Hollywood food chain isn't what it used to be. But McConaughey no longer needs to prove his abilities, as he's shown to everyone that he's a talented actor. His position as a charming figure, compared to his wild and dangerous side, would make him fit Osborn like a glove.

Seeing someone as calm and collected as McConaughey playing Osborn could show how he managed to climb to the top of the corporate world quickly, which would help establish Norman's power. Also, you can see in movies like Killer Joe, Reign of Fire and The Dark Tower (to an extent), that he has potential as a dangerous and unsettling villain.

It would undoubtedly turn some heads, and that's never a bad thing.


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