10 Actors Who Could Play Green Goblin In The MCU

5. Crispin Glover

Green Goblin
Columbia Pictures

No matter what direction the studio decides to go in with Osborn, it would make sense to get someone who can be effortlessly creepy in both aspects. Sony already had success in that regard with Willem Dafoe's portrayal of the role in the original Sam Raimi movie, so it would make sense to return to that well, and who better than one of Hollywood's most notorious eccentrics?

Crispin Glover is a peculiar figure in Hollywood, as he walks the line between big movie star and quirky, reclusive film-maker so finely. He shot into prominence thanks to his role as George McFly in Back to the Future and has starred in big projects like Alice in Wonderland and Willard. But, he's also known for his deranged and bizarre directorial movies What is It? and It Is Fine, Everything is Fine, which are like a disturbing fever dream.

He's naturally terrifying, as his lanky frame and uncanny face make him constantly look suspicious and peculiar. He can still look at home in a suit as Norman, but seeing him transform into the hideous Green Goblin would be utterly night-mare inducing and worth his salary.


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